9. 1. 2022
I am using the fuction htmlspecialchars twice here to show you the result,
to avoid browser to interpret is as original characters.
PHP funkce
a nl2br
I am using the fuction htmlspecialchars twice here to show you the result,
to avoid browser to interpret is as original characters.
PHP funkce
I am also using fuction htmlspecialchars here to escape ampersands and quotation marks for your browser,
but you should get result as direct ampersands and direct quotation marks in the browser.
Moje funkce
pro převod plaintextu na HTML
- htmlspecialchars
- nl2br
- for Czech and Polish language as much as is possible by simple algorithm
(Made by PHP function strtr and array with pairs of substrings.) - ndash (directly as UTF-8 sign „–” alt+0150) instead of „-”
(Made by PHP function strtr and array with pair of substrings.)
I am using the fuction htmlspecialchars one more time here to show you the result,
to avoid browser to interpret is as original characters.
Moje funkce
pro odstranění české a polské diakritiky
(zachovává znak bez diakritiky,
neodstraňuje základní znak)
PHP function htmlspecialchars also applied to protect this page,
but the browser should show original characters to you.
Made by PHP function strtr and array with pairs of characters.