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Нас не догонят (пародия видеоклипу)


осень 2004 до
зимы 2004/2005


Parody of video-clip „Nas ne dogonjat” of russian duo Tatu.

Skok down na download - watching of parody

Basic инфо

It is useful to know original video-clip „They don't catch us(Нас не догонят, Nas ne dogonjat) by „Tatu” (Тату) for understanding of parody:

Zadání Project was made as second seminary work during studying of Videoproduction course at FIM UHK.
Required length ca. 5 minutes, team-working, whatever theme.
We kept disposal digital camcorder and PC for cutting.
Length 7:31
Type With actors
Format Digital – DV
Production year Autumn 2004 to winter 2004/2005 (5th semester)
Prize Czech-slovak cine-meeting Juniorfilm Dvůr Králové n.L., 12. volume (March 2005)
top by Children jury (pupils ca. 14-15 years) in category 4 – authors 20-26 years (7 films in category).

We were five people for it. I had quite concrete imagination about theme and scenario already longer time. My suggestion was accepted by fellows as well as by teacher.

Texts – documents (Czech only)

  1. Theme (Formát .doc 24 KiB)
  2. Original technical scenario (Formát .doc 54 KiB), used for shooting – does not correspond with final cutting
  3. Final technical scenario (Formát .doc 59 KiB) – edited after final cutting
  4. Production document (Formát .doc 23 KiB) – final summary of work, necessary part of school project

Фотогалерея and images

Photos from съёмки 27th November 2004

Photos taken by Honza Pazderník.
Sorted by time.


Disc cover


„Актёри” – cars

  • Van Peugeot J5
  • Double-axle trailer with brakes – platform version at that time
  • Tatra 613

Promised oldtimer Škoda 1202 STW old-police with uniformed driver did not arrive finally unfortunately, so we had to do everything without some planned taking.

Human актёри

Бандит Martin Adámek
Бандит Jan Pazderník
Директор Luboš Balcar
Полицеский Jiří Beran
Полицеский Tomáš Macek
Bush (running landscape) Luboš Balcar, Jiří Beran, Tomáš Macek


Martin Adámek Тема, сценарий, продукция, режиссура, монтаж, звук
Luboš Balcar Монтаж, звук
Jan Pazderník Продукция, режиссура
Tomáš Macek Камера
Jiří Beran Камера

Better description is in production document (Formát .doc 23 KiB) (Czech only)


We have used song „Нас не догонят” of russian duo „Тату”
and part of song Катюша (Katjusha) in the video-clip.


Van Lent by Sopa co., Náchod
Trailer Lent by Elektro Drapač co., Velké Poříčí
Tatra 613 Lent by Luboš

Thanks to all for brave lend.

Download full version for free

Format wmv – watchable quality – for PC (Formát .wmv 71.9 MiB)

  • file size 71,9 MiB
  • video 640x480 px, 1513 Kbps
  • sound stereo, 128 Kbps, 44kHz

Format wmv – very low quality – for mobile phone (Formát .wmv 4.4 MiB)

  • file size 4,36 MiB (less, than would have mp3 file with sound only in the same length)
  • video 208x160 px, 89 Kbps
  • sound mono, 16 Kbps, 16kHz

English subtitles .sub (Formát .sub 2 KiB)

Google a YouTube – play in the browser

YouTube (jiný web, nový panel)

Google video (jiný web, nový panel)

  • based on version 71,9 MiB, 640x480

(C) UHK-FIM (jiný web, nový panel), another distribution is not allowed.

Bonus – unsuccesful takes

Unsuccesful shooting takes in format wmv (Formát .wmv 21.7 MiB)

  • file size 21,7 MiB
  • video 640x480 px, 1513 Kbps
  • sound stereo, 128 Kbps, 44kHz

Unsuccesful shooting takes on YouTube (jiný web, nový panel)

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    Ету страницу

    ADÁMEK, Martin. Нас не догонят (пародия видеоклипу). Martin Adámek [Мартин Адамек] [online]. Náchod / Meziměstí (Чешская Республика) [cited 2025-02-03]. Режим доступа:

    Весь сайт

    ADÁMEK, Martin. Martin Adámek [Мартин Адамек] [online]. Náchod / Meziměstí (Чешская Республика) [cited 2025-02-03]. Режим доступа:



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For a distraction

There are 10 kinds of people in the world – those who understand binary and those who don't.


For a muse

It is not that we have so little time but that we lose so much.
[Lucius Annaeus Seneca junior]