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which you can understand.

Where Have All the Flowers Gone? (Sag mir, wo die Blumen sind)
Variuous language versions


Assembled 2012


All these movies - continuously in YouTube playlist (jiný web, nový panel)

Information, lyrics, names in other languages

CS – Czech: Řekni, kde ty kytky jsou

Marie Rottrová

Marie Rottrová (jiný web, nový panel)

Judita Čeřovská

Judita Čeřovská (jiný web, nový panel)

Marta Kubišová

Marta Kubišová (jiný web, nový panel)

EN – English: Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

Pete Seeger (3/4 author of the song)

Pete Seeger: Where Have All the Flowers Gone? (jiný web, nový panel)

Marlene Dietrich

Where Have All the Flowers Gone?: Marlene Dietrich (jiný web, nový panel)

DE – German: Sag mir, wo die Blumen sind

Marlene Dietrich

Sag mir, wo die Blumen sind: Marlene Dietrich (jiný web, nový panel)

Marlene Dietrich + german and russian subtitles

Sag mir, wo die Blumen sind: Marlene Dietrich – с субтитрами (jiný web, nový panel)

RU+EN – Russian + English: Ты скажи where flowers gone?

Anna & Tomas – Ты скажи мне где цветы + Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

Ты скажи where flowers gone? (jiný web, nový panel)

RU – Russian: Ты скажи мне где цветы [Ty skazhi mne gde cvety]

Жанна Бичевская [ZHanna Bichevskaja; Jane Bitchevskaia]

Audiorecord of normal russian version from this singer is not longer on the YouTube unfortunately.

Quite modern version: Мегаполис & Маша Макарова [Megapolis],[Masha Makarova]

Мегаполис и Маша Макарова - Где цветы? (jiný web, nový panel)

PL – Polish: Gdzie są kwiaty z tamtych lat?

Sława Przybylska

Gdzie są kwiaty z tamtych lat?: Sława Przybylska – music video (jiný web, nový panel)
Gdzie są kwiaty z tamtych lat?: Sława Przybylska – audio+photos only (jiný web, nový panel)

ES – Spanish: Donde estan las flores?

Jorge Hernan

Donde estan las flores?: Jorge Hernan (jiný web, nový panel)

IT – Italian: Dove Andranno i Nostri fiori

Patty Pravo

Dove Andranno i Nostri fiori: Patty Pravo (jiný web, nový panel)

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    ADÁMEK, Martin. Where Have All the Flowers Gone? (Sag mir, wo die Blumen sind): Variuous language versions. Martin Adámek [online]. Náchod / Meziměstí (Czech Republic) [cited 2025-02-03]. Available from:

    Whole site

    ADÁMEK, Martin. Martin Adámek [online]. Náchod / Meziměstí (Czech Republic) [cited 2025-02-03]. Available from:



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For a distraction

Why do all Assembler programmers want to live in Atlantis?
Because it is below C level.


For a muse

There are three kinds of lies:
Lies, damned lies, and statistics.

[Benjamin Disraeli]