Martin Adamek

(bicycle) From Czech rep. via Romania to Bosnia and back on bicycle - summer 2007

Actual information from journey

Czech česky English english      


SMS diary

I am trying send actual SMS information from the journey to the web approximately once a day. But it is possible, that I will not send anything for three days, and then I will send 5 messages in one hour.

The newest messages are showed at the top. Date and time of report will be shown in hint (bubble), if you stay with mouse cursor on the message.

Function "add message" is disabled. You can contact me via another way - see at the bottom of page.

If I have access to the internet during the journay, I will upload some actual photos to the prepared directory.
I will not change text directly on this page, so watch SMS diary for an actual information.

Press information, edited for web-page, follows:

About journey

The same like during previous journeys, I go independently on the bicycle with bags, all what I need I carry along on the bike. I am wild-camping in a nature, most of the nights.
Weight of bike with bags was 54 kg last year, and 136 kg including me.

This time I go via Romania to the Bosnia. 


Plan of journey

Nachod (Czech rep.) - Slovakia - Hungary - Romania - maybe Bulgaria - Serbia - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Croatia - Slovenia - Austria - Nachod(CZ).

I start 12th August 2007.
Length of the journey will be approximately 6 weeks, but it can be less or more too...
I used to go to the journey in June and July, but I entered on main leader of children bicycle camp this year, so I had to swap this journey and children camp, to be able to prepare children camp conscientiously. Children camp already finished successfully, so I can go to the my journey now :).


Complementing of four-years project

I link up to the previous journeys. 

- I go clockwise

- I want to go to the sea
- I leave Czech rep. via country, through which I have returned from the previous way
And this time I should return to the Czech republic through country, through which I went to the first journey, in year 2004. It should complete a quarterfoil of geographically connected journeys from Czech republic (hearth of Europe...) trough the Europe and to  the seas. I will cap the 4-year project, if I manage this year's journey.
Meanwhile, I have totally went 10 311 km, through the 15 countries, in 109 days, during previous three journeys. I have visited Middle-earth, Nordic, and two-times Baltic sea.



Radio - Czech only

I make radio reports via phone, for Czech Radio Hradec Kralove. But it is Czech only, of course. 


Map of previous journeys
Mapa předchozích cest
Illustration photos from previous journey
Krakow (Poland)
(author: Pawel de Ville, Krakow, 2006)
Moje jízda na kole po Krakowě
Night under sky (Belarus, closed to the Ukraine's border)
Noc pod širákem (Bělorusko, u ukrajinských hranic)
Night in the tent
Noc pod stanem
You can look on photos of some news in my equipment.


Partners of journey (producers)



I have mobile phone switched-off. I switch it on approximately three times a day, I will be available via SMS.
I maybe will have access to the internet (and e-mail) sometimes, but not regularly. So in more urgent things contact me via SMS to the mobile.
Before start and cca. during the first hours of the journey I will be available by the phone and e-mail, too.
(tel.)&SMS: +420 (---)
Not so urgent things you can type me to martin(__a__t)
But mailbox can have a crash during the way, so if I not response in one week after return to the home, please resend your message to me, please.

You can eventually leave a message in the guestbook.

Martin Adamek,, Náchod, Czech republic, august 2007
